Edita Group Plc is implementing an internal reorganization in the Edita Legal Information business area, whereby Edita Lakitieto Oy’s commercial business is transferred to a new company established by Edita Group Plc. through an internal business transaction. Virallinen Lehti, which has a statutory basis, will remain with the current Edita Lakitieto Oy. After the change, the Group will have four subsidiaries: Edita Prima Oy, Edita Oppiminen Oy, the current Edita Lakitieto Oy and the new subsidiary that is established.

The aim of the reorganization is to clarify the development of the legal information business and increase its ownership value. Another aim is to achieve even greater transparency in the commercial business of legal information.

“Differentiation between the commercial legal information business and the statutory production of Virallinen Lehti clarifies the activities of legal Information and supports the strategic development of the business. The reorganization will not affect the functions or activities of legal Information; all tasks will remain unchanged. The production of Virallinen Lehti will also continue in exactly the same way as before,” says Kristiina Kujala, CEO of Edita Group Plc.

Personnel belonging to the transferred business will be transferred to the new company. The reorganization will not affect the employment relationships of personnel transferred to the new company or those remaining with Edita Lakitieto Oy.

The future name of the current Edita Lakitieto Oy and the name of the new subsidiary will be decided later.

The reorganization will be implemented later in autumn 2024, and more information will be provided then.


For further information, please contact:
Kristiina Kujala
Edita Group Plc
+358 40 0761 752